Here are a couple of photos which show the Conservatory as it is at the present, just a big glass box.
Here are a couple of photos which show the Conservatory as it is at the present, just a big glass box.
When I moved into this bungalow about five years ago, there was already a conservatory attached to the back of the house and accessed through patio doors from the dining hall (that sounds posh, but it is just a combined hall and dining room). The conservatory however is just a glass box, full height glass walls and a plastic roof. It had been fitted under the soffit of the house roof, which meant that there were steps down into it from the main house. It is too hot in summer and freezing cold in winter, it is also quite small being about 3 metres by 3 metres and is white in colour which doesn’t match the dark wood windows in the rest of the house. I think in all the time I have lived here, I have only used the conservatory no more than a couple of dozen times.
Back in November 2009 I decided it was time to replace it with something better. A slightly bigger conservatory with proper dwarf brick walls, Mahogany style PVC to match the the windows, a peaked roof that goes into a false roof built into the existing bungalow roof, French doors leading out onto a decked area (covering lawn which can only be a good thing). I also want a solid roof, not a tiled roof, but a lightweight plastic roof with a fibre glass outer surface which looks like roof slates and a white inner finish. This will help keep the conservatory cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. A bit of research on the interweb came up with this system which will hopefully work quite well.
I contacted two local companies to get quotes and both came round within a few days. Over two months later I received one price and as they quoted for what I wanted, it was within my budget and as I have been using that company for over twenty years, I accepted their price.
Start will be in about 5 weeks, so there wont be much to add here for a while. I need to empty out the old conservatory and sell a couple of sofas that are in there.
I will keep this blog updated with regular updates and photos as the build progresses. Hopefully everything will be finished and useable by June 2010.
Above is how the conservatory is at the moment.
This is how the conservatory should be when finished.