The peak is progressing with interruptions due to the rain, but at least there’s progress.
15 September 2010
14 September 2010
It rained most of yesterday so no builders, it’s raining again this morning, so I doubt any will show up again. The forecast is for more of the same for the rest of the week. As the roof will need opening up, this work can only be done in dry weather, so I will just have to be patient.
12 September 2010
The builders have started work on the roof of the existing house, where the new conservatory roof will run into. This will be tiled to match the existing roof. They will need to open up the roof and the weather isn’t looking too good, with quite a bit of rain forecast over the next week.
I thought I had better cut back some of the bushes in the garden, as a few were getting out of control. I also (with a bit of help) limbed the eucalyptus tree in the back garden. Trimming back some of the bushes has made more room for the conservatory deck, hopefully they wont have grown back by the time it gets erected. I was going to borrow a trailer and take the cuttings to the local amenity site, but instead decided to hire a skip, which I managed to fill, even though quite a lot of the cuttings went through the shredder first.